Saturday, May 15, 2010

Finals Fashion!

That's quite amusing actually because for me, finals fashion = lots and lots of t-shirts/tank tops + jeans. Sometimes it equals odd combinations of all my favorite articles of clothing. They're usually not that odd actually, maybe a little boring. If I slept less and procrastinated even lesser, I'm sure finals fashion would be a lot of hoodies, skinny jeans, and kicks that I actually decided to wear. The accessories would probably make up for the general 'understated ran out of the house' look. Cuffs, bags, etc. I don't know about other people, but when I'm stressed and sleep deprived, I wear what requires the least thought. My style is more there when I have time to think about what to wear.

So... I'm digging into the folder on my hard drive with my collection of images that were supposed to be part of an inspiration wall... but now they're part of an inspiration folder. Very exciting. Stuff I'd probably end up wearing during finals starts here.

I found this hoodie on the Forever21 website (that's where the image is from) and I don't know if anyone else noticed this but just because you see something on the website, doesn't mean it's going to be there when you come back with your credit card. This happens to me ALL the time. Things disappear. Literally. So I usually take a screenshot and save it to my inspiration folder. I really liked this hoodie so I was pretty disappointed that it disappeared.

I think this disappeared too. I don't really like wearing 'people' on my clothes but this is more of a silhouette. Anyway I love tanks and tanks with swirls of color are even better.

I liked Emma Watson's Burberry ads for the most part. And while she's looking pretty hot wearing something simple (haha, Burberry is simple, now?) like this, I have definitely worn something similar with a lot less glamor. It usually goes something like this: "Right, so I'll wear these jeans and that tank... and I'll grab a granola bar on the way out." The image is from Maria Claire. I have a convenient Zinio subscription. A surprising combination is listening to podcasts and reading Marie Claire on Zinio. Well that's a bit of a lie, I don't actually read it. I look at the pictures. I'm a child I know, but honestly I have a large scale mistrust of fashion magazine articles. They're already sort of distorting our perception of beauty just with the modeling so I'm not going to consider their opinion credible. But I really like magazines. One of the reasons is pretty stupid; they're glossy and thick and I find that sort of exhilarating. The other reason is, I like to critique the ads and photoshoots from a design perspective. And of course I look at the clothes and stuff for my inspiration folder (ha ha).

This is something really lacking in my closet right now. Long(ish) hoodies. Long works too but I really like long hoodies and pullovers. That's an easy lazy day outfit. Long hoodie, skinny jeans, done. This one is a Hellz Bellz one from Karmaloop.

Another Forever21 tank. I haven't checked to see if this one disappeared or not but I'm totally a sucker for this kind of stuff. Cutesy people annoy me, but cute stuff? Nope, forget about it. If I didn't share a room and strategically avoid going to places like Hallmark and Animal Alley at Toys 'R Us, my room would be covered with stuffed animals. Cute animal + tank? Works for me.

I just had to put this here. Also on Karmaloop, this is like the ultimate 'I'm sleep deprived and stressed out and look kinda of scary' hat. It can also be used to sleep in class without being detected. You know you're going to go home and study anyway, why pay attention in those last few classes of "There will be 10 questions on the final, blah blah blah." Seriously, I don't know what's the point of us still going to class. I'm ready to take the final and go on vacation.

These pants are AWESOME. I can totally live in these throughout finals. But that'd be gross and I can't do the laundry everyday. So comfortable.

I don't think I actually need to say anything about this. The guy on the shirt is basically what I look like after finals are over. I'm usually sleeping through precious vacation time and look kind of crazy. Oh and I really may have a large 23 scrawled somewhere. Seriously, it's amazing the things that you do while stressing without realizing.

Now back to studying.


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